Friday, January 25, 2008

Flies Don't Do Winter Well.....

...well, actually, flies don't do winter at least as far as I know. What I do know, is that I feel like half of the time I've been here in NJ I've spent sick..and frankly..I'm tired of it!.. Growing up in Florida, even when it was a bad winter it didn't last very long. All of the other blissfully warm flies and I spent our days fanning our wings in the 75degree sun and buzzing around barbeques trying to figure out how to sneak under the fly nets..mmmm... grilled cheeseburgers.. so yummy.. my acid reflux diet doesn't really allow for that anymore, but I find a good turkey burger to be excellent:) .. Anyway, the point I was trying to make before I got distracted by food(and what fly doesn't) was that I'm quite tired of being sick and I would like to just be healthy now thank you.. I always think of those with chronic illnesses when I say things like that and I tell myself when I get the flu or a cold that I should be thankful thats all it is.... Though that really doesn't make me feel better as much as it just makes me feel guilty for feeling so bad!....But really, this flies going to buzz off to see if it can't find a puddle of cough syrup to slurp...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Romancing The Fly......

... When a fly takes off into the world, it is given a short period to eat and reproduce. There is no seduction, no wondering if he rubbed her wings just right, and no wondering if she just used him for sex...of course she did..she's a fly and has just as short a life span for reproduction as he does. There isn't a lot of complication beyond
....Now, humans are a different creature all together. You go on a date, then spend the whole week going through all the things you did that might have been a deal breaker..Then you go on another date, and again you castrate yourself over and over on all your mishaps and awkward moments (which of course didn't bother you at all at the time that you were love drunk and silly)...
...I wouldn't trade the flies romantic interludes for mine of course, and I'm a firm believer in "there's always more fish in the sea"..or " there's always more flies in the swarm" to be more accurate.. ... This fly will be romancing for a long time to come... Let the other bugs around the garbage heap beware, this fly is steppin' out!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The latest BUZZ....

...Picture a happy little fly mischievously rubbing its two front legs together..determination in the vibrations in its abdomen's me right now... Had entirely TOO much fun over the holidays.. something my body is still paying for...and I have officially decided to stay in NJ. If I'm really serious about pursuing this art career than I need to live in a place I'm more likely to have the opportunity to show it and get attention. My art is somewhat on the erotic and fantastical side, so my little town in WV isn't exactly over accepting of it! but I love the little town and wish it the best of luck...but its time for the Fly to take off for some adventure!