Friday, January 25, 2008

Flies Don't Do Winter Well.....

...well, actually, flies don't do winter at least as far as I know. What I do know, is that I feel like half of the time I've been here in NJ I've spent sick..and frankly..I'm tired of it!.. Growing up in Florida, even when it was a bad winter it didn't last very long. All of the other blissfully warm flies and I spent our days fanning our wings in the 75degree sun and buzzing around barbeques trying to figure out how to sneak under the fly nets..mmmm... grilled cheeseburgers.. so yummy.. my acid reflux diet doesn't really allow for that anymore, but I find a good turkey burger to be excellent:) .. Anyway, the point I was trying to make before I got distracted by food(and what fly doesn't) was that I'm quite tired of being sick and I would like to just be healthy now thank you.. I always think of those with chronic illnesses when I say things like that and I tell myself when I get the flu or a cold that I should be thankful thats all it is.... Though that really doesn't make me feel better as much as it just makes me feel guilty for feeling so bad!....But really, this flies going to buzz off to see if it can't find a puddle of cough syrup to slurp...


Bettina Makley, aka Fairywebmother. said...

Hey...quit bein' sick!! (hope you're feeling better)

mousewords said...

Hello to a fly from a detective mouse. ;-)

Certainly hope you're feeling much better! Take care!